ภาวะผู้นำของผู้บริหารที่ส่งผลต่อสมรรถนะการบริหารงานวิชาการของผู้บริหารสถานศึกษาในสังกัดสำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษาประถมศึกษานครพนม เขต 1

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นราธิป โชคชยสุนทร
วาโร เพ็งสวัสดิ์
เอกลักษณ์ เพียสา


The purpose of this research were 1) to study the level of leadership of the school administrators, 2) to study the level of academic administration competencies of school administrators, 3) to study the relationship between leadership of the school administrators and the academic administration competencies of school administrators, 4) to study a predictive equation of leadership of administrators affecting academic administration competencies of school administrators, and 5) to study the guidelines for improving leadership of  administrators affecting academic administration competencies of school administrators under Nakhon Phanom primary educational service area office 1. The samples of this study were acquired by cluster random sampling consisted of 150 school administrators and 203 teachers, yielding a total of 353 participants. The instrument for data collection was a rating scale questionnaire which indicates validity between 0.60-1.00. The item discrimination ranged between 0.21-0.93 and the overall reliability was 0.97. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient of Pearson, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

            The findings were as follows:

  1.  The level of leadership of school administrators are at a high level both in whole aspects and each aspect.

  2.  The level of academic administration competencies of school administrators are at a high level both in whole aspects and each aspect.

  3.  The relationship between leadership of school administrators and academic administration competencies of school administrators shows positive correlation at a statistical significance of the .01 level.

  4.  The leadership of administrators involving creativity (x4) visionary (x1) and communication (x2) were able to predict academic administration competencies of school administrators at a statistical significance of the .01 level, with a predictive power of 71.90. The equation could be summarized in raw scores as follows: Y’ = .583 + .364 X4 + .338 X1 + .168 X2 and the predictive equation standardized score was Z’y = .373 Z4 + .338 Z1 + .175 Z2

  5.  The guidelines for developing leadership of administrators affecting academic administration competencies of school administrators involved three aspects; comprising visionary communication and creativity, which were proposed based on the results from experts.

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