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ฐิตินันท์ นันทะศรี
วาโร เพ็งสวัสดิ์
วัลนิกา ฉลากบาง
พรเทพ เสถียรนพเก้า


Universal factors influencing education are resulting in initiatives and innovation in administrative management of Thailand’s education sector becoming increasingly necessary, consequently school directors should respond by implementing administration techniques and leadership to lead the organization toward success. In order to achieve the highest efficiency in administration and management, school directors are required to embrace and learn new concepts and approaches, such as the exchange of best practices, visionary thinking, the implementation of new work plans and strategies in steering the educational institution forward to initiate innovations, the last of which is undeniably required characteristics of administrators. In order to succeed as a school administrator in the stream of changes, self-development of a leader who achieves the principles of self-management, people management and task management is a must, and requires the arts of modern management in efficiently executing the work in all aspects. Thinking skills development is of utmost importance to encourage personnel to develop individual works toward success, and this calls for a school administrator with modern management techniques, especially innovative leadership to steer the organization toward the direction which could respond effectively to the current situations. Relating to this, there were five main components in innovative leadership: 1) innovative vision; 2) innovative teamwork and participation; 3) thinking skill for innovation; 4) innovative roles and responsibilities, and 5) innovative personality. The innovative leadership of school administrators could be indicators of success and quality of administrative management, personnel, and educational institution, which would influence the administrative management to yield the highest benefit for educational institutions.

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