A การศึกษาผลสัมฤทธิ์ทางการเรียนภาษาอังกฤษของนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 5 โดยใช้การเรียนรู้แบบชัดแจ้ง

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วรัญญา ศรีธิราช
สุธิดา โง่นคำ


The purposed of this research were to: 1) examine English learning achievement using Explicit Approach, 2) evaluate students’ satisfaction toward the English vocabulary learning management using Explicit Approach, and 3) compare students’ satisfaction toward the developed learning management classified by the level of English learning achievement. The target group consisted of 15 Prathomsuksa 5 students studying in 2018 academic year at Nongsai Porncharoen Witthaya School, Song Dao District, Sakon Nakhon province. Research instruments included: 1) learning management lesson plans for English vocabulary using Explicit Approach, 2) an achievement test, and 3)a survey of students’ satisfaction toward the developed learning management. Statistics for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and One - Way ANOVA. 


            The findings were as follows:

  1. The total number of students meeting the passing score at or above 70 percentage of total score was 14 out of 15 participants, while only one student failed the passing criteria.

  2. The students’ satisfaction toward the developed learning management as a whole was at a high level. When considering in each aspect, the students’ satisfaction toward teaching and learning aspect was at the highest level, while the teachers’ satisfaction was at a high level.

  3. The comparison results of the students’ satisfaction revealed that the students with different levels of English learning achievement showed their satisfaction toward the developed learning management as a whole at a statistical significance level of .05.

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