การพัฒนาโปรแกรมพัฒนาครูในการจัดการเรียนรู้กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้วิทยาศาสตร์ สังกัดสำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษามัธยมศึกษา เขต 28

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รักษ์มณี สารเสวก
สุรชา อมรพันธุ์


The purposes of this research were: 1) to examine the components of learning management in the science learning area in schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28, 2) to explore current and desirable conditions, and methods for promoting learning management, and 3) to develop and validate the teacher development program for learning management in the science learning area. The research was divided into three phases as follows: Phase I - Study of components and indicators of learning management; Phase II- Investigation of current and desirable conditions and methods for promoting learning management of teachers. The sample was obtained through stratified random sampling; Phase III - Program development and evaluation. The tools for data collection included a set of 5-rating scale questionnaires concerning current and conditions with a discriminative power value of 0.33 – 0.73, and a reliability of 0.82, and an assessment form of program appropriateness. Statistics for data analysis were mean and standard deviation.

            The findings were as follows:

  1. The learning management of science learning area in schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28 consisted of five components, which reached appropriate criteria ranging between 0.80 and 1.00.

  2. The results from the investigation concerning current conditions of teachers’ learning management of science learning area revealed that all aspects overall and each aspect were at a moderate level. In terms of desirable conditions, all aspects overall and each aspect were at a high level.

  3. The teacher development program on learning management of science learning area comprised: principles, objectives, content, development methods and evaluation. The knowledge assessment was administrated before and after the program implementation. The participants’ satisfaction form was also distributed after the program implementation. The program assessment was conducted by experts and resulted in a high level of appropriateness.

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