การพัฒนารูปแบบการจัดการเรียนรู้ วิชา สังคมศึกษา ส31101 โดยใช้ทฤษฎีคอนสตรัคติวิสต์ร่วมกับรูปแบบ การสอนโดยใช้ผังกราฟิก เพื่อพัฒนาการคิดวิเคราะห์สำหรับนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 4

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ลัดดาวัลย์ จิ่มอาษา


The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the current learning management and to develop a model for  the course of S31101 social studies based on constructivist Integrated with the graphic organizer to develop analytical thinking of grade 9. 2) develop a model for the course of S31101 social studies based on constructivist integrated  with the graphic organizer to develop analytical thinking of grade 9 students, effective 80/80. 3) trial management style learning in the course of S31101 social studies using the constructivist integrated with graphic organizer to develop analytical thinking for secondary grade 9 students and 4) to assess patterns of learning in S31101 social studies based on constructivist integrated with the graphic organizer to develop analytical thinking of grade 9 students. The samples were 28 students at Phuwatphittayakom school. Ubolrat district, Khonkaen Province, which is derived  from purposive sampling. The research design was the One-Group Pretest-Posttest. The research  instrument were  knowledge management plans, the learning achievement test, the analytical thinking test and the students’ satisfaction evaluation scale. Data were analyzed using statistic as the Mean, Standard Deviation, The Wilcoxon Matched–Pairs Signed–Ranks Test, and content analysis.

The research results  were as follows:

1) The study found that current learning management of learning activities, the lectures focused on rote learning rather than thinking training event focusing on knowledge rather than the development process. The results of the study to develop a style of learning that teachers must organize learning activities that focus on the learners. Activities learning process, especially the higher-order thinking.

         2) The development model called 4PS Model. The model management has 5 stages: 1) Preparation of Knowledge  2) Presentation and Learning Task 3) Procedures 4) Presentation and Ideas Sharing  5) Summary and model  for  the course of S31101 social studies based on constructivist  Integrated with the graphic organizer to develop  analytical thinking of grade 9 efficiency of 82.68 /81.25 higher threshold of 80/80

3) The results of model implementation were found that student achievement and analytical thinking posttest higher than pretest at the statistical level of significance .01.

4) The evaluation model that students are satisfied with the style of teaching S31101 social  studies  based  on constructivist  Integrated  with the graphic organizer to develop analytical thinking situated at the highest level (= 4.65).

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