การพัฒนาโปรแกรมพัฒนาครูปฐมวัยในการจัดประสบการณ์เรียนรู้สำหรับสถานศึกษา สังกัดสังฆมณฑลอุบลราชธานี

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มุกดา ถาวร


              The objectives of this study were to study 1) Components and Indicators for early childhood teacher development in learning experience for education institution under the Diocese of Ubon Ratchathani.  2) Current conditions and desirable conditions in early childhood teacher development for education institution under the Diocese of Ubon Ratchathani.  3) The development of early childhood teacher  development program in learning experience for education institution under the Diocese of  Ubon Ratchathani. The sample group  consisted  110  administrators and early childhood teachers of education institution under the Diocese of Ubon Ratchathani. The research instruments included the following : two questionnaires with a five –level Likert  scale  were  1)  Condition and needs in development of early childhood teacher development program for learning experience for education Institutes under the Diocese of Ubon Ratchathani was 34 items which proved to have the reliability of .945  2) Current conditions and desirable conditions for organizing learning experiences for educational institutions under the Diocese of Ubon Ratchathani was 34 items which proved to have the reliability of .988 , the statistics used were mean, percentage and standard deviation.

              The research findings were as follows :

  1.      The Components and Indicators for early childhood teacher development in learning experience for education institution under the Diocese of Ubon Ratchathani were   6 elements  as  follows :  1) Student Analysis  2) course analysis  3) Objectives  4) Learning Design   5) Learning activities and 6) measurement and evaluation.

  2. The  current conditions and desirable conditions in early childhood teacher development for education institution under the Diocese of Ubon Ratchathani were :  For the  current conditions and desirable conditions in early childhood teacher development for education institution under the Diocese of Ubon Ratchathani, the overall  score  were  at a high level.  The Each component of current  was  at a high level, from the highest to the lowest : Measurement and evaluation , learning activities , course  analysis,  learning design  student analysis  and  objectives and  the desirable condition of all components was at high level such as measurement and evaluation , learning activities , course  analysis,  learning design  student analysis  and  objectives.

  3. The evaluation of early childhood teacher development program in learning experience for educational Institution under Diocese of Ubon Ratchathani ,the methods of researcher used the result of program evaluation to considering its usefulness   possibility  reasonableness  and the advice of the experts. There are three stages of development : 1) preparation stage 2) program stage and 3) program evaluation stage.  The results  of evaluation by 5 experts  for  the teacher  development  program  in learning experience for education institution under the Diocese of  Ubon  Ratchathani  was  at a  appropriateness  level and the three aspects, overall, were  at the highest level.

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