Satisfaction of the Students towards the Building Management of the Extra-Large Secondary Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area office Kanchanaburi


  • Arrak Thanchaichon Educational Administration, Graduate School, Bangkok Suvarnabhumi University
  • Niwat Noymanee Educational Administration, Graduate School, Bangkok Suvarnabhumi University


Satisfaction, Building Management


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the satisfaction of the students towards the building management of the extra-large secondary schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi and 2) to compare the satisfactions of the students towards the building management of the extra-large secondary schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi classified by genders and education levels. The samples were 374 students randomized by multi-stage sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire asking for the satisfaction. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.

The research findings were as follows.

  1. The students from the extra-large secondary schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi were satisfied by using the building management of the extra-large secondary schools at a high level (x̄ = 3.51, S.D. = .70).
  2. The students from the extra-large secondary schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi with the different genders and the different education levels were differently satisfied by using the building management of the extra-large secondary schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kanchanaburi with the statistical significance at the level of .05.


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How to Cite

Thanchaichon, A., & Noymanee , N. . (2024). Satisfaction of the Students towards the Building Management of the Extra-Large Secondary Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area office Kanchanaburi. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 19(2), 137–147. retrieved from



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