School Administration Skills in the 21st Century of the Qualitative School Administrators under Udon Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 4


  • Sumaporn Sripothong Educational Administration Program, Ratchathani University


The objectives of this research were 1) to study school administration skills in the 21st century of the qualitative school administrators under Udon Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 4 and 2) to study guidelines for developing school administration skills in the 21st century of the qualitative school administrators under Udon Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 4. The samples were 138 participants: administrators and teachers from 15 schools. The sample size was determined by using Krejcie and Morgan’s Table. The samples were randomized by stratified sampling. The research instruments were 1) a five rating scale questionnaire and 2) a semi-structured interview form with the Index of Item Objective Congruence (IOC) between .67-1.00 and the reliability of .94. The statistics used were frequency, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

The research findings were as follows.

  1. The school administration skills in the 21st century of the qualitative school administrators were at a high level. When each skill was investigated, the skill with the highest mean score was the communication (x̄ = 4.37), followed by the human relation (x̄ = 4.31) and the techniques (x̄ = 4.30) respectively. The skill with the lowest mean score was the conceptual skill (x̄ = 4.29).
  2.  The guidelines for developing the school administration skills in the 21st century of the qualitative school administrators were described as follows.

             2.1 In the conceptual skill, the administrators had to follow news and information related to education from various resources and they needed to have the critical thinking skill to receive the news and information.

             2.2 In the techniques, the school administrators should survey the problem conditions in the schools to bring the survey results to determine the strategies used in operating the schools and have the processes for planning, the calendars for operating clearly, the supervision for following the operation results in the schools, and the reflection for developing the projects or other activities.

               2.3 In the human relation, the school administrators should have activities or projects with the processes to enable the teachers and academic staff to work as teamwork, propose the opinions, and listen to the opinions of the team members.

               2.4 In the communication, the school administrators should listen to the opinions of the teachers and the academic staff in their schools including listening to the opinions of the students and the residents in the communities and exchange the opinions of the suggestions in working.


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How to Cite

Sripothong, S. (2024). School Administration Skills in the 21st Century of the Qualitative School Administrators under Udon Thani Primary Educational Service Area Office 4. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 19(2), 1–10. retrieved from



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