Bubpachart Aupatumnarakorn


  • Bubpachart Aupatumnarakorn Faculty of Music , Music Program, Bangkok Thonburi University


Wisdom, Local Arts, Nora Costumes, Product Development


The objectives of this research were 1) to study local art wisdom on the southern nora costumes, 2) to study the needs of the communities and the problem conditions in developing art wisdom products on  the southern nora costumes, and 3) to develop art wisdom products on  the southern nora costumes. The research areas were in Phatthalung and Songkhla Provinces. This research was conducted as a qualitative research approach by studying documents and collecting field data by surveying, interviewing, observing, discussing in focus groups, and doing workshops from 50 information providers. The findings were proposed by descriptive analysis.

            The research findings were as follows.

  1.  The local art wisdom on the southern nora costumes had similar styles in which beads were commonly used to string together to make various costume styles that were decorated differently based on the needs of the performers.
  2.  According to the study on the needs of the communities to participate in the project of the career enhancement of the nora costumes, the residents living in the research areas could bring the art wisdom of the southern nora costumes to create and develop products including invent beads in various shapes. This project created works with low product investment and receiving worthwhile profits. The problem conditions in developing the art products of the southern nora costumes caused from 3 factors: (1) duration of invention, (2) inheritance of wisdom, and (3) income.
  3.  The development of the art products of the southern nora costumes consisted of 3 steps: (1) the study of the local southern nora wisdom, (2) the determination, the design to edit, and basic tests, (3) the design of the new products in which the residents in the communities participated in designing. The participants in the training could develop 4 types of the products: (1) long key chains, (2) round key chains, (3) necklaces with tassels, and (4) bracelets.


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How to Cite

Aupatumnarakorn, B. (2024). Bubpachart Aupatumnarakorn. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 19(2), 23–36. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Pitchayatat/article/view/266180



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