Development of a Management Model to Reinforce Students’ Moralities and Ethics by Integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy at Nasaiwittaya School under Udon Thani Provincial Administration Organization 2, Phibunrak District, Udon Thani Province


  • Kitikorn Kuntiya Deputy Director of Nasaiwittaya School, Udon thani Provincial Administration Organization 2


Management Model, Moral ethics, Integration of the philosophy of sufficiency economy


The objectives of this research were 1) to study basic information, related theories, and  opinions towards the conditions in developing a management model to reinforce the students’ moralities and ethics by integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy at Nasaiwittaya School under Udon Thani Provincial Administration Organization 2, Phibunrak District, Udon Thani Province, 2) to develop a management model to reinforce the students’ moralities and ethics by integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, 3) to try out the management model to reinforce the students’ moralities and ethics by integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, and 4) to evaluate the management model to reinforce the students’ moralities and ethics by integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. The samples were a school director, 27 teachers, and 207 students. The research instruments were an instruction manual for operating activities, a questionnaire, an interview form, an evaluation form used to evaluate 8 basic moralities, an evaluation form used to evaluate the satisfaction, and an evaluation form used to evaluate the model. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage (%), mean (m), standard deviation (s), and content analysis.

The research findings were as follows.

  1. The findings of the evaluation of the opinions towards the conditions in developing the management model to reinforce the students’ moralities and ethics by integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy showed that the opinions were at a high level (gif.latex?\mu = 4.44, gif.latex?\sigma = 0.19) and the recommendations were that the model should use the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy to bring the management to the implementation that could create sufficiency, rationality, and good immunization, to have knowledge and moral conditions coupled with a qualitative work cycle, and to drive 8 basic moralities and ethics including hard-working, economical, honest, self-discipline, polite, clean, harmonious, and generous.
  2. The management model to reinforce the students’ moralities and ethics by integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy was appropriate at a high level (gif.latex?\mu= 4.47, gif.latex?\sigma = 0.14).
  3. The findings of the use of the management model to reinforce the students’ moralities and ethics by integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy showed as follows:

           3.1 the 8 basic moralities and ethics of the students after participating activitiesby using the management model to reinforce the students’ moralities and ethics by integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy were at a good level (gif.latex?\mu= 2.57 or 85.67%),

        3.2 the students were satisfied the management model to reinforce the students’ moralities and ethics by integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy at a high level (gif.latex?\mu= 4.31, gif.latex?\sigma = 0.24).

4. The findings of the evaluation showed that the management model to reinforce the students’ moralities and ethics by integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy was at a high level (gif.latex?\mu= 4.40, gif.latex?\sigma = 0.11).


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How to Cite

Kuntiya, K. . (2024). Development of a Management Model to Reinforce Students’ Moralities and Ethics by Integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy at Nasaiwittaya School under Udon Thani Provincial Administration Organization 2, Phibunrak District, Udon Thani Province. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 19(1), 67–84. Retrieved from



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