Development of English Reading Comprehension Ability by Using Collaborative Learning Activities Based on STAD Technique and 5W1H for the Students in the Department of the Educational Management for Government Personnel


  • Nuengruethai Boonthawee Master of Education Program, in Innovations in Learning and Teaching, Graduate College of Management Sripatum University
  • Warapron Thaima Master of Education Program, in Innovations in Learning and Teaching, Graduate College of Management Sripatum University


Reading, English Reading Comprehension Skills, Collaborative Learning, STAD and 5W1H Techniques


The objectives of the research were 1) to develop collaborative learning activities based on STAD technique and 5W1H that promoted English reading comprehension ability of the students in the department of the educational management for government personnel, 2) to compare  English reading comprehension ability of the students in the department of the education management for government personnel before and after learning by using collaborative learning activities based on STAD technique and 5W1H, and 3) to study the levels of the satisfaction of the students in the department of the educational management for government personnel after learning by using the collaborative learning activities based on STAD technique and 5W1H. The samples used in the research were 30 students in the Thai program in the department of the educational management for government personnel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, in the third semester in the academic year of 2022. They were selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were 1) leaning management plans by using collaborative learning activities based on STAD technique and 5W1H, 2) a test used to evaluate the students’ ability before and after learning by using collaborative learning activities based on STAD technique and 5W1H, and 3) an evaluation form used to evaluate the students’ satisfaction after learning by using collaborative learning activities based on STAD technique and 5W1H. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and the index of item objective congruence, IOC.

          The research findings were as follows.

  1. According to the development of the collaborative learning activities based on STAD technique and 5W1H, the students increased the English reading comprehension ability at a high level.
  2. The English reading comprehension ability of the students in the department of the educational management for government personnel by using collaborative learning activities based on STAD technique and 5W1H after learning was higher than that before learning with the statistical significance at the level of .05.
  1. The students in the department of the educational management for government personnel were satisfied by learning by using the collaborative learning activities based on STAD technique and 5W1H at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Boonthawee , N. ., & Thaima, W. . (2023). Development of English Reading Comprehension Ability by Using Collaborative Learning Activities Based on STAD Technique and 5W1H for the Students in the Department of the Educational Management for Government Personnel. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 18(3), 169–181. Retrieved from



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