The Academic Administration of the School Administrators Affecting the Learners’ Quality in the Schools under Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2
Academic Administration, School Administrators, Learners’ QualityAbstract
The objectives of the research were 1) to study the academic administration levels of the school administrators and the levels of the learners’ quality in the schools under Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 and 2) to study the academic administration of the school administrators affecting the learners’ quality in the schools under Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The samples were 291 government teachers under Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. They were randomized by stratified sampling. The sample size was determined by Krejcie and Morgan Table. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
The research findings were as follows.
- The academic administration of the school administrators under Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 in the overall was at a high level and the learners’ quality in the schools under Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 in the overall was at a high level.
- The academic administration of the school administrators affected the learners’ quality in the schools with the statistical significance at the level of .05 and the predictive power was 0.618. These findings showed that the administration of the school administrators could predict the academic administration of the schools by 61.80, and the findings of the analysis of the best of the academic administration of the school administrators affecting the learners’ quality consisted of two variables: the development and the use of the technology media for education () and the development of the learning processes (). The two variables could be used to write the predictive equations from the raw score and the standard score as follows:
the predictive equation from the raw score: Y = 1.142 + . 416 (X5) + .241 (X3) + 111(X1) +.052 (X4) + .050 (X2) + (-.161) (X6)
the predictive equation from the standard score: Z = .508 (X5) + .258 (X3) + 112(X1) +.065 (X4) + .056 (X2) + (-.176) (X6)
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