A Study of the Guidance Administration Conditions of the Opportunity Expansion Schools under Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Primary Educational Service Area Office 1
Guidance, Administration, the Opportunity Expansion SchoolsAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study the guidance administration conditions of the opportunity expansion schools under Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, 2) to compare the guidance administration conditions of the school admonistrators and teachers in the opportunity expansion schools classified by positions, fields of education degrees, and working experience, and 3) to study guidelines for developing the guidance administration of the opportunity expansion schools. The samples used in this research were 263 participants: 54 school administrators and 209 teachers. The interviewed target group were 2 school administrators and 2 teachers in a total of 4 people. They were selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were a questionnaire asking for the guidance administration conditions of the opportunity expansion schools under Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 and a structural interview form. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and a test.
The research findings were as follows.
- The guidance administration conditions of the opportunity expansion schools under Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 in the overall were at a high level. When the aspects were considered, all of the aspects were at a high level.
- The findings of the comparison of the guidance administration conditions of the school administrators and the teachers in the opportunity expansion schools under Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 classified by positions, fields of education degrees, and working experience showed that in the overall, the guidance administration conditions were different with the statistical significance at the level of .01.
- The guidelines for developing the guidance administration of the opportunity expansion schools under Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 were that the schools (1) should use various and suitable instruments with the information that needed to be accurate and reliable such as questionnaires, observation by using the observation forms, tests, interviews, collection of history records, and home visits, (2) should have the information systems that the students could access in various channels such as creating Line groups for classrooms, school Facebook, or school pages, (3) should have the teachers graduated in guidance or psychology, (4) should mange teaching and learning by opening opportunities to the students to check their aptitudes and interests to discover themselves, and (5) should arrange activities by having alumni to advise living life to be guidelines for the students.
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