Characteristics of the Professional School Administrators in the Digital Age under Ubonratchathani Amnatcharoen Secondary Education Service Area Office


  • Jiratchaya Buddeesing Master of Education program, Department of Educational Administration, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University


Administrators, School Administrators, the Digital Age


The objectives of the research were 1) study the characteristics of the professional school administrators in the digital age under Ubonratchathani Amnatcharoen Secondary Education Service Area Office, 2) to compare the characteristics of the professional school administrators in the digital age under Ubonratchathani Amnatcharoen Secondary Education Service Area Office classified by positions, working experiences, and school sizes, and 3) to study guidelines for developing the school administrators in the digital age under Ubonratchathani Amnatcharoen Secondary Education Service Area Office. The samples used in the research were 429 participants: school administrators and teachers under Ubonratchathani Amnatcharoen Secondary Education Service Area Office. They were randomized by stratified sampling and comparing proportions. The qualitative target group used in the interview consisted of 2 school administrators and 2 teachers in a total of 4 people. They were selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were a five-rating scale questionnaire and a structural interview form. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test.

            The research findings were as follows.

  1. The characteristics of the professional school administrators in the digital age under Ubonratchathani Amnatcharoen Secondary Education Service Area Office in the overall was at a high level.
  2. According to the comparison, the characteristics of the professional school administrators in the digital age based on the opinions of the school administrators and the teachers classified by positions in the overall were not different. They were different when the school administrators and the teachers classified by working experiences in the overall with the statistical significance at the level of .05 and they were different when the administrators and the teachers classified by school sizes with the statistical significance at the level of .01.

    3. The guidelines for developing the professional school administrators in the digital age under Ubonratchathani Amnatcharoen Secondary Education Service Area Office were that 1) in the digital vision, the environment and the current situations should be analyzed to up-to-date to the changes, the policies and the directions of the digital technology should be regulated to develop the schools, and the use of the digital technology to drive the school administration should be promoted, 2) in the self-development in the digital academic subjects, the development of the school curriculum should be done to be excellent, the use of technology should be promoted for learning management and to lift up learning achievement, and technology infrastructures for learning should be developed, 3) in the digital citizens, the school administrators should promote the teachers to access technology equally and effectively, 4) in the digital profession, the school administrators should be developed to have skills and be experts in using technology for education and technology for learning management should be promoted


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How to Cite

Buddeesing, J. (2023). Characteristics of the Professional School Administrators in the Digital Age under Ubonratchathani Amnatcharoen Secondary Education Service Area Office. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 18(3), 131–147. Retrieved from



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