Evaluation of the Curriculum of the Bachelor of the Education Program (A 4-Year Bachelor’s Degree Program) in Early Childhood Education (Revised in 2019), Faculty of Education, Nakhon Phanom University
Curriculum Evaluation, A CIPP Evaluation Model, Early Childhood EducationAbstract
The objective of the research was to evaluate the curriculum of the bachelor of the education program (a 4-year bachelor’s degree program) in early childhood education (revised in 2019), Faculty of Education, Nakhon Phanom University. The evaluation of the curriculum used the CIPP evaluation model to evaluate factors related to the curriculum in 4 aspects: contexts, input factors, processes, and products. The target group used in this research consisted of curriculum lecturers, students, and stakeholders involving in producing graduates in a total of 238 people. The research instruments were a questionnaire and a structural interview form. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.
The research findings were as follows.
- The evaluation of the contexts showed that in the overall, the contexts were appropriate at a high level in the aspects of the objectives of the curriculum, the structures of the curriculum, and the contents of the curriculum. The objectives of the curriculum were appropriate, the structures of the curriculum were relevant to the objectives, and the contents of the curriculum were relevant to the needs of the societies and could be used in the real practice.
- The evaluation of the input factors showed that in the overall, the input factors were appropriate at a high level in planning for operating the program courses, lecturers’ qualifications/academic advisors, students’ qualifications/recruitment, physical environment conditions, materials, and supplies, services, and supports. The lecturers had qualifications that were appropriate for the causes they taught. The processes in recruiting the students were appropriate. The physical environment conditions, materials, tools, and other facilities should be improved to connect to the internet with the higher speed. The textbooks should be provided to be more up-to-date.
- The evaluation of the processes showed that in the overall, the processes were appropriate at a high level in the behavior of the learning management of the lecturers, learning management, and the teacher professional experience training. The behavior of the learning management of the lecturers should be focused on using more technology in learning management.
- The evaluation of the production showed that in the overall, the production was appropriate at a high level in the characteristics of the teacher professional students and in the personalities that affected the performance of the teacher professional students. The students studying in the early childhood education program had the characteristics and personalities that were appropriate to work for the early childhood professional career. The students in early childhood education program had the highlights in the politeness and volunteer spirits. The thing that the curriculum should support the students in the early childhood education program was preparing children to be calm.
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