The Development of Chatbot System for Customer Relationship Management The Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Office of The Comptroller General


  • Suwat Banlue Faculty of Computer Science, Ubon Ratchathani University
  • khanittha Inthasaeng Faculty of Computer Science, Ubon Ratchathani University


Chatbot, Web Applications, the Management of the Relationship of the Service Users


The objectives of the research were 1) to develop a Chatbot system for managing the relationship of the service users of Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Office of the Comptroller General’s Department, 2) to find the efficiency of the Chatbot system for managing the relationship of the service users of Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Office of the Comptroller General’s Department, and 3) to evaluate the users’ satisfaction when using the Chatbot system for managing the relationship of the service users of Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Office of the Comptroller General’s Department. The samples were 30 participants: staff working at Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Office of the Comptroller General’s Department and general people. They were selected by purposive sampling and randomized by accidental sampling. The technologies used to develop the Chatbot system were 1) a Line application, 2) a Line application developer account, and 3) a Webhook program, and computer language programs used to develop the Chatbot system were PHP, HTML, and JavaScript. The data base was MySQL, the server was Linux CentOS, the web server was Apache, and the web browser program was Google Chrome. The research instrument was the Chatbot system evaluated its efficiency by using a Likert scale questionnaire to evaluate the satisfaction of the Chatbot system by 5 experts who specialized in developing the information technology by using the Chatbot technique. The statistics used were mean and standard deviation.

           The research findings were found as follows.

  1. The Chatbot system for managing the relationship of the service users of Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Office of the Comptroller General’s Department could work on the Internet network efficiently and access easily and fast.
  2. The findings of the evaluation of the efficiency of the Chatbot system in the overall showed that the Chatbot system was efficient at the highest level ( x̄= 4.54, S.D. = 0.05).  
  3. The findings of the evaluation of the users’ satisfaction in the overall showed that the users were satisfied at a high level ( x̄= 4.49, S = 0.05).


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How to Cite

Banlue , S. ., & Inthasaeng , khanittha . (2023). The Development of Chatbot System for Customer Relationship Management The Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Office of The Comptroller General. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 18(2), 123–134. retrieved from



Research articles