Roles of the School Administrators in Conserving Thai Cultures in the Schools under Sisaket Primary Educational Service Area Office 3


  • Kotchaporn Kaewkun Ban Burapha School, Chan Subdistrict, Kanthararom District, Si Sa Ket 33130
  • Surasak Srikrachang Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University
  • Prakachit Anupapsanyakorn Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University


The Roles, School Administrators, Thai Cultural Conservation


The objectives of this research were 1) to study roles of the school administrators in conserving Thai cultures in the schools, 2) to compare the roles of the administrators in conserving Thai cultures in the schools classified by positions, education levels, working experience, and school sizes, and 3) to propose the roles in conserving Thai cultures in the schools under Sisaket Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. The samples used in this research were 350 participants: school administrators and teachers in the schools under Sisaket Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. They were randomized by stratified sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test, and pair difference tests by Sheffe’s Method.  

            The research findings were as follows.

  1.  The roles of the school administrators in conserving Thai cultures in the schools under Sisaket Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 in the overall and each aspect were at a high level.
  2.  The findings of the comparison of the opinions of the school administrators and the teachers towards the roles in conserving Thai cultures in the schools under Sisaket Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 classified by positions, education levels, working experience, and school sizes showed that the opinions of the school administrators and the teachers were different with the statistical significance at the level of .05.   
  3.  The study of the suggestions for the roles of the school administrators in conserving Thai cultures in the schools showed that 4 aspects were proposed for the suggestions: 1) in the religious maintenance, the school administrators should enhance the religious maintenance to promote Buddhism in the schools, 2) in the conservation, restoration, and publicizing Thai cultures, the school administrators should manage the education with the local to make the unity education, 3) in the learning enhancement and the cultural exchange with other countries, the school administrators should realize the problems and the guidelines to solve the problems of the learning enhancement and the cultural exchange with other countries, and 4) in the indoctrination of the values and good consciousness, the school administrators should have the teachers teach morality and ethics, and the teachers had the students do the real practice on the morality and the ethics.                     


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How to Cite

Kaewkun, K., Srikrachang, S. ., & Anupapsanyakorn, P. . (2024). Roles of the School Administrators in Conserving Thai Cultures in the Schools under Sisaket Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 19(2), 61–75. Retrieved from



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