A Study of Important Factors Driving Innovation in Learning Management in the Educational Management Innovation Area at the Level of Sisaket Province


  • Pakornchai Suphat Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University
  • Mananya Naksingthong Faculty of Arts and Sciences Sisaket Rajabhat University


Factors Driving Innovation, Learning Management, Educational Management Innovation Areas, Primary Education Service Areas in SiSaKet Province


The objectives of this research were 1) to study important factors driving innovation in learning management in the educational management innovation area at the level of Sisaket Province, 2) to study the relationship among factors affecting the driving of the innovation in learning management in the educational management innovation area at the level of Sisaket Province, and 3) to create guidelines for developing the driving of the innovation in learning management in the educational management innovation area at the level of Sisaket Province. The samples were administrators and teachers: school directors, school deputy directors, teachers who were the school committees, and guardians from the schools receiving innovation in learning management in Sisaket Province in a total of 860 people. They were selected by purposive sampling. The statistic used were a percentage questionnaire, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. 

            The research findings were as follows.

  1. The important factor driving innovation in learning management in the educational management innovation area at the level of Sisaket Province with the highest mean score was the factor in cultures and working atmospheres with the mean score of 4.48, followed by the factor in teamwork with the mean score of 4.32. The factor in materials and finance had the lowest mean score.
  2. According to the study of the relationship among the important factors driving the innovation in learning management in the educational management innovation area at the level of Sisaket Province, the findings showed that only three variables were the important factors influencing at the highest level and affecting the success. The three variables were administrators’ leadership, teamwork, and cultures and atmospheres with the statistical significance at the level of .05. They could be used to form the prediction equations in the forms of the raw scores and the standard scores, respectively as follows:

                   the equation of the raw scores:

                 gif.latex?{\hat{Y}= 0.742 + 0.613X6 + 0.575X4  + 0.300X7

                   the equation of the standard scores:

                gif.latex?Z_{\hat{Y}}   = 0.193Z6 + 0.075Z4 + 0.057Z1

  1. The policy guidelines to support the administrators’ leadership factor to create management mechanism in the whole policy guideline system consisted of three factors: the first factor including the guidelines for promoting policies supporting administrators’ leadership to create management mechanism in the whole system, the second factor including the guidelines for promoting the factors supporting teamwork and participatory works for all inside and outside networks, and the third factor including the guidelines for promoting the factors in culture and atmosphere in working for the annual workshop to create learning organizational cultures, promote active working, and expand the network based on workshop performance: the first factor including the guidelines promoting workshops supporting the administrators’ leadership should focus on the second factor, the second factor including the guidelines promoting workshops in teamwork should promote and focus on the third factor, and the third factor including the guideline promoting workshops in culture and atmosphere in working should be promoted and focused.


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How to Cite

Suphat, P., & Naksingthong, M. . (2023). A Study of Important Factors Driving Innovation in Learning Management in the Educational Management Innovation Area at the Level of Sisaket Province. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 18(2), 37–49. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Pitchayatat/article/view/261805



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