Situations, Needs, and Guidelines for Developing Important Skills for the Teachers in the 21st Century under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sisaket Yasothon


  • Chawanwit Thippharat Faculty of Education, Nakhon Phanom University
  • Tatsana Prasantree Faculty of Education, Nakhon Phanom University
  • Watcharee Saengboonruang Faculty of Education, Nakhon Phanom University


Current Situations, Desirable Situations, Needs Assessment, Important Skills for the Teachers in the 21st Century


The objectives of the research were 1) to study current and desirable situations for developing important skills for the teachers in the 21st century under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Si Sa Ket Yasothon, 2) to assess the needs for developing important skills for the teachers in the 21st century under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Si Sa Ket Yasothon, and 3) to develop guidelines for developing important skills in the 21st century for the teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Si Sa Ket Yasothon.   The samples were 130 school administrators and 350 teachers. They were randomized by multi-stage sampling. The research instruments consisted of four forms: 1) a questionnaire asking for the current situations of the important skills for the teachers in the 21st century, 2) a questionnaire asking for the desirable situations of the important skills for the teachers in the 21st century, 3) a structural interview form, and 4) an evaluation form for the appropriateness and the possibility of the guidelines for developing important skills for the teachers in the 21st century. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Modified Priority Needs Index.

            The research findings were as follows.

  1. The current situations of the important skills for the teachers in the 21st century in the overall were at a high level and the desirable situations of the important skills for the teachers in the 21st century in the overall were at the highest level.
  2. The findings of the needs assessment of the important skills for the teachers in the 21st century showed that when the mean scores were organized from the highest to the lowest, the learning management skill was the first priority and followed by the thinking skill.
  3. The findings of the evaluation of the guidelines for developing important skills for the teachers in the 21st century in the overall showed that the guidelines were appropriate to be used at the highest level and possible to be use at a high level.



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How to Cite

Thippharat, C. ., Prasantree, T. ., & Saengboonruang, W. . (2023). Situations, Needs, and Guidelines for Developing Important Skills for the Teachers in the 21st Century under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sisaket Yasothon. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 18(2), 11–22. Retrieved from



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