Enhancing Network Organizational Collaboration in Promoting Lifelong Learners’ Attributes for Citizens in the Context of the Thai Citizenship Development


  • On-uma Bhumiboon Non-formal Education Division Department of Lifelong Education Faculty of Education Chulalongkorn University
  • Suwithida Charungkaittikul Non-formal Education Division Department of Lifelong Education Faculty of Education Chulalongkorn University
  • Archanya Ratana-Ubol Non-formal Education Division Department of Lifelong Education Faculty of Education Chulalongkorn University


Collaboration, Network Organizations, Lifelong learning, Citizenship, Network Facilitators


The objectives of the research were 1) to study conditions of network organizational collaboration in promoting lifelong learners’ attributes for citizens in the context of the Thai citizenship development, 2) to analyze relationship of network organizations in promoting lifelong learners’ attributes for citizens in the context of the Thai citizenship development, and 3) to propose guidelines for promoting lifelong learners’ attributes for citizens in the context of the Thai citizenship development. The target group in the research consisted of 8 organizational representatives signing in the collaboration in promoting being the citizens for the sustainable Roi-Et citizenship development and 8 subdistrict and village headmen. The qualitative data were collected by interviewing.  

The research findings were as follows.

  1. The network organizational collaboration consisted of a model in the same types of the activity network, the collaborative characteristics in the horizontal sub-group network organizations to organize activities with their targets, and the collaborative benefits and interests.
  2. The relationship of the network organizations was in the central form while the networks among the organizations with the same targets were building at the same time.
  3. The guidelines for promoting the collaboration of the network organizations in promoting lifelong learners’ attributes for citizens in the context of the Thai citizenship development consisted of 2 aspects. 1) The first aspect was the management of the collaborative model that was operated by forming the empowerment of the host organizations to be able to perform network facilitators and survey and combine groups of network organizations having the same missions. The combination of the network organizations was in the horizontal network. The network organizations participated in designing the performance plan used for promoting learning by using the methods that persuaded the citizens to learn together and do the learning activities with other network organizations. 2) The second aspect was the management of the relationship. The network facilitators must perform as coordinators to connect good relationship among network organizations, to create reliability, and to help working to achieve the goals that were set together.   


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How to Cite

Bhumiboon, O.- uma, Charungkaittikul , S. ., & Ratana-Ubol, A. . (2022). Enhancing Network Organizational Collaboration in Promoting Lifelong Learners’ Attributes for Citizens in the Context of the Thai Citizenship Development. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 17(1), 231–242. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Pitchayatat/article/view/254918



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