Guidelines to Create Adding Values for the Homestays for the Elderly Tourists in Tha Kha Sub-District, Amphawa Districh, Samut Songkhram Province


  • Benjaporn Chuapung Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi
  • Nattaphorn Dokboonnak Groom Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi
  • Thapakorn Thongkamnush Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi


Adding Values, Homestays, Elderly Tourists


The objectives of the research were 1) to study the needs of the homestays for the elderly tourists both Thai and foreigner tourists traveling in , Amphawa Districh, Samut Songkhram Province and 2) to create guidelines to add values for the homestays for the elderly tourists in Tha Kha Sub-District, Amphawa Districh, Samut Songkhram Province. The research was conducted by using a mixed research method. The research instruments were a questionnaire asking 400 samples aged over 60 years old for the needs of the homestays for the elderly Thai and foreigner tourists travelling in Tha Kha Sub-District, Amphawa Districh, Samut Songkhram Province and an in-depth interview form used to interview the entrepreneurs. The statistics used to analyze data and descriptive analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.  

            The research findings were as follows.

            The elderly tourists, aged over 60 years old, were the number of the Thai tourists more than the foreigner tourists, the number of the female tourists more than the male tourists. When the ages were considered, the tourists with the ages 65-69 were at the highest level. The elderly tourists traveled with their families. The Thai elderly tourists had never stayed at the homestays, but they chose to stay at the hotels or resorts with the medium prices. Most of the foreigner elderly tourists were interested in staying in the homestays and used to stay at the homestays. They paid attention to the places where they stayed that the places had to be privacy, clean, comfortable, have the relaxing conners, have clean and hygienic food, be safe, and have advertisement. The entrepreneurs should create homestay and community product values to be interesting by emphasizing on maintaining community routines and original traditions by restoring the homestays and the areas surrounding. They should do the physical restoring consisting of 4 aspects: building, rooms, environmental health, and management related to the elderly lifestyle.


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How to Cite

Chuapung , B. ., Dokboonnak Groom , N. ., & Thongkamnush, T. . (2022). Guidelines to Create Adding Values for the Homestays for the Elderly Tourists in Tha Kha Sub-District, Amphawa Districh, Samut Songkhram Province . Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 17(1), 219–230. Retrieved from



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