Development of Learning Tracking Systems of Online Computer Programming
Online Computer Programing, Learning Tracking SystemsAbstract
The objectives of the research were to design and develop learning tracking systems of online computer programming and to evaluate the satisfaction towards the use of the learning tracking systems. The instruments used to develop the learning tracking systems consisted of the PHP, HTML, JavaScript programming languages, and the MySQL database system. Four modules were a module for online computer programming, a module for assistance, a module for evaluating the computer programming, and a module for reporting the use of the learning tracking systems. They were used to develop the learning tracking systems. The instrument used to evaluate the satisfaction towards the use of the learning tracking systems was a questionnaire asking for the users’ satisfaction of the learning tracking systems of the online computer programming. The samples were 5 teachers and 56 students. They were selected by purposive sampling. The data were analyzed by mean and standard deviation. The findings of the evaluation of the users’ satisfaction toward the use of the learning tracking systems showed that the users were satisfied at a high level (= 4.43, S = 0.43). These findings indicated that the learning tracking systems developed could be used well for teaching and learning the online computer programming.
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