Relationship Between Academic Administration of School Administrators and Educational Standards of the Schools under Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2
Academic administration of school administrators, Education standardsAbstract
The objectives of the research were to study academic administration of school administrators, educational standards of the schools, and relationship between academic administration of school administrators and educational standards of the schools under Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The samples used in the research were school administrators and teachers working in the basic schools under Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 in a total of 280 people. They were randomized by stratified sampling based on the education areas. The research instrument was a five-rating scale questionnaire with the content validity of 0.67-1.00 and the reliability of 0.99. The statistics used to analyze data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient.
The research findings were as follows.
- The academic administration of the school administrators in the schools under Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 in the overall and in each aspect was at a high level. When the aspects were organized from the highest to the lowest mean scores, the educational supervision had the highest mean score, followed by learning process development, educational media, innovation, and technology development, research for developing education quality, measurement, evaluation, and transferring learning achievement, and school curricular development.
- The educational standards of the schools under Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 in the overall and in all aspects were at a high level. When the aspects were organized from the highest to the lowest mean scores, the teaching and learning processes focusing on the learning had the highest score, followed by administration and management processes, and learners’ quality.
- The relationship between the academic administration of the school administrators and educational standards of the schools under Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 in the overall had the positive relationship at a high level with the statistical significance at the level of .01.
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