Development of a Learning Activity Management Package by Using the STAR Strategy in Conjunction with Active Learning Affecting Ability in Solving Mathematical Problems on Statistics for the 8th Grade Students
Learning by Using the STAR Strategy in Conjunction with Active Learning, Ability in Solving Mathematical ProblemsAbstract
The objectives of the research were 1) to develop a learning activity management package by using the STAR strategy in conjunction with active learning affecting ability in solving mathematical problems on statistics for the 8th grade students effectively based on the criteria of 70/70, 2) to compare learning achievement of the students learning by using a learning activity management package by using the STAR strategy in conjunction with active learning affecting ability in solving mathematical problems on statistics before and after learning, 3) to study the index of the effectiveness of the learning activity management package by using the STAR strategy in conjunction with active learning affecting ability in solving mathematical problems on statistics, and 4) to study the students’ satisfaction towards the learning activity management package by using the STAR strategy in conjunction with active learning affecting ability in solving mathematical problems on statistics. The samples used in the research were 27 students studying in the 8th grade, Matthayom Suksa 2/3, in the second semester in the academic year of 2020 at Namon Phitthayakom School, Namon District, Kalasin Province. They were randomized by cluster sampling. The research instruments were a learning activity management package by using the STAR strategy in conjunction with active learning affecting ability in solving mathematical problems on statistics, a test used to measure learning achievement on statistics, and a questionnaire used to measure the students’ satisfaction towards the learning activity management package by using the STAR strategy in conjunction with active learning affecting ability in solving mathematical problems on statistics for the 8th grade students. The statistics used were mean, standard deviation, and t-test.
The research findings were as follows.
- The learning activity management package by using the STAR strategy in conjunction with active learning affecting ability in solving mathematical problems on statistics had the efficiency at 78.02/77.41.
- The mean score of the learning achievement of the students by using the STAR strategy in conjunction with active learning affecting ability in solving mathematical problems on statistics after learning was higher than that before learning with the statistical significance at the level of .05.
- The index of the effectiveness of the learning activity management package by using the STAR strategy in conjunction with active learning affecting ability in solving mathematical problems on statistics was 0.5104. Therefore, the learning progress of the learners was 51.04, which met the hypothesis regulated.
- The students were satisfied after learning by using the learning activity management package by using the STAR strategy in conjunction with active learning affecting ability in solving mathematical problems on statistics at the highest level.
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