Perception and Expectation towards Service Quality of the Civil Registration Section at the Muang District Office in Loei Province


  • Sumitra Saiwaew Office of Province Election Commission Of Loei
  • Anothai Harasarn Faculty of Business Administration and Management, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University
  • Irada Phorncharoen Faculty of Business Administration and Management, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University


Perception, Expectation, Service Quality, Civil Registration Section


The objectives of the research were 1) to study the levels of the perception, the expectation, and the service quality of the civil registration section at the Muang District Office in Loei Province, 2) to study the factors of the perception and the expectation affecting the service quality of the civil registration section of the Muang District Office in Loei Province, and 3) to compare the perception and the expectation affecting the service quality of the civil registration section of the Muang District Office in Loei Province classified by genders, ages, education levels, careers, and the averages of the income per month. The research instrument used to collect data from 400 samples was a questionnaire. The statistics used in the research were descriptive and inference statistics. The descriptive statistics included percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The inference statistic included multiple regression analysis based on the Stepwise’s method, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and multiple comparison based on the LSD method.

              The research findings were as follows.

  1. The perception and the expectation affecting the service quality of the civil registration section at the Muang District Office in Loei Province in the overall were at the highest level. When each aspect was considered, the findings of the organization of the mean score of each aspect from the highest to the lowest mean scores showed that the perception of the information and news from mass media news sources had the mean score at the highest level, followed by the perception of the information and news from individuals and public relation, respectively. The expectation in the overall was at the highest level. When each aspect was considered, the findings of the organization of the mean score of each aspect from the highest to the lowest mean scores showed that the process was at a high level, the personnel was at the highest level, and the place and the service quality were at the highest level. When each aspect was considered, the findings of the organization of the mean score of each aspect from the highest to the lowest mean scores showed that knowing and understanding the service recipients had the highest mean score, followed by making the service recipients trust the service providers, responding the service recipients, making the services to be concrete, and knowing and understanding the recipients.
  2. The factors of the perception, the expectation and the service quality of the registration section at the Muang District Office in Loei Province were the process, the personnel, the place, and the perception of the information and the news from the mass media news sources.
  3. The findings of the comparison of the perception and the expectation affecting the service quality of the registration section at the Muang District Office in Loei Province showed that 1) the males and the females perceived the service quality differently, and the service recipients with the differences of the duration of their ages, the education levels, the careers, and the income per month perceived the service quality in the perception of the information and the news from the mass media news sources differently, and 2) the service recipients with the different genders had the expectation towards the service quality in the personnel differently, and the service recipients with the differences of the ages, the education levels, the careers, and the income per month had the expectation towards the service quality in the place, the personnel, and the process differently.


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How to Cite

Saiwaew, S. ., Harasarn, A. ., & Phorncharoen, I. . (2021). Perception and Expectation towards Service Quality of the Civil Registration Section at the Muang District Office in Loei Province. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 16(3), 177–190. Retrieved from



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