Teachers’ Leadership Affecting Learners’ Quality in the 21st Century in the Schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • Noppawan Promsiri Faculty of Education, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • Suphirun Jantarak Faculty of Education, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • Wanphen Nanthasri Faculty of Education, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University


Leadership, Teachers’ Leadership, Learners’ Quality in the 21st Century


The objectives of the research were to study 1) to study components of teachers’ leadership affecting learners’ quality in the 21st century in the schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, 2) to study levels of teachers’ leadership affecting learners’ quality in the 21st century in the schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, 3) to study levels of learners’ quality in the 21st century in the schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, 4) to study relationship between the teachers’ leadership and the learners’ quality in the 21st century in the schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, 5) to study the predictive power of the teachers’ leadership affecting the learners’ quality in the 21st century in the schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, and 6) to find guidelines for developing the teachers’ leadership affecting the learners’ quality in the 21st century in the schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The samples used in the research were 351 teachers in the schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 in the academic year of 2020. They were randomized by multistage sampling. The research instrument used in the research was a questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis.

The research findings were as follows.

  1. According to the synthesis of the documents and the related researches, the components of the teachers’ leadership affecting the learners’ quality in the 21st century in the schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 consisted of 4 aspects: 1) the physical aspect, 2) the personality aspect, 3) the intelligent and ability aspect, and 4) the social aspect, respectively.
  2. The leadership of the teachers in the schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 in the overall and in aspects was at a high level.
  3. The quality of the learners in the 21st century in the schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 in the overall and in aspects was at a high level.
  4. The relationship of the teachers’ leadership and the learners’ quality in the 21st century in the schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 was in the positive relationship at a moderate level with the statistical significance at the level of .01.
  5. The teachers’ leadership in the social aspect and the intelligent and ability aspect had the predictive power to predict the teachers’ leadership affecting the learners’ quality in the 21st century in the schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 with the statistical significance at the level of .01, and the multiple correlation coefficient was .64 with the predictive power at 41%.
  6. The guidelines for developing the teachers’ leadership affecting the learners’ quality in the 21st century in the schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 consisted of 2 aspects: the intelligent and ability aspect and the social aspect.



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How to Cite

Promsiri , N. ., Jantarak , S. ., & Nanthasri, W. . (2021). Teachers’ Leadership Affecting Learners’ Quality in the 21st Century in the Schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 16(3), 163–176. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Pitchayatat/article/view/250914



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