Revenue and Expense Management Affecting the Investment in the Stock Exchange of the Companies Listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand in the Energy and Utility Business Sector


  • Prapaporn kamwichai Accounting, Faculty of Accounting, Sripatum University
  • Pravas Penvutikul Faculty of Accounting, Sripatum University


Total Asset Turnover Ratios, Current Ratios, Account Receivable Turnover Ratios, Fixed Asset Turnover Ratios, Market Cap


The objective of the research was to study revenue and expense management affecting the investment in the Stock Exchange of the companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand in the energy and utility business sector. The samples were 59 companies. The data were collected from 59 companies from 2018 to 2020. The statistics used in the research were descriptive data analysis, correlation coefficient analysis used to test the relationship among the independent variables, and multiple regression analysis used to test the hypothesis.

              The research findings were as follows.

              The findings showed that in the overall, the net profit (NP) and the market cap (Mark Cap) of the companies listed in the Stock Market of Thailand in the energy and utility business sector affected the total assets turnover (AT), the current ratios (CR), the accounts receivable turnover ratios (AR Turnover Ratios), the fixed asset turnover ratios (FAT), the costs of sales, the operating expenses, and other expenses with the statistical significance at the level of 0.05. These findings were considered that they were in a high direction. 


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How to Cite

kamwichai, P. ., & Penvutikul, P. . (2022). Revenue and Expense Management Affecting the Investment in the Stock Exchange of the Companies Listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand in the Energy and Utility Business Sector. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 17(1), 65–75. Retrieved from



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