Effectiveness of the Well-Being Promotion Program for the Pre-School Children in the Pre-School Children Development Center of the Mahachanachai Sub-District Administration Organization, Mahachanachai District, Yasothon Province
Well-Being Promotion, Pre-School ChildrenAbstract
The objective of the research was to study effectiveness of the well-being promotion program for the pre-school children in the pre-school children development center of the Mahachanachai Sub-District Administration Organization, Mahachanachai District, Yasothon Province. The research was conducted by using the quasi-experimental designs with two groups measured by pretest and posttest. The samples used in the research were 64 pre-school students in the pre-school children development center of the Mahachanachai Sub-District Administration Organization, Mahachanachai District, Yasothon Province in the academic year of 2021. They were randomized by multi-stage sampling and simple random sampling to determine an experimental group in a total of 32 students and a control group in a total of 32 students. The well-being promotion program for the pre-school children used in the research consisted of the well-being promotion in 4 aspects: physical, mental-emotional, social, and intelligent aspects from applying the Bruner’s learning theory, the learning theory from the Bandura’s model, and the social support theory. The duration of the experiment was 3 months. The data were collected before and after participating the program by using the pre-school children evaluation form and the observation form for the well-being promotion behavior of the pre-school children. They were calculated to find Alpha Coefficient according to the Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient. The test of the knowledge on well-being pre-school children promotion was used and the findings of the test were collected as data analyzed to find mean, percentage, standard deviation, and t-test.
The research findings were as follows.
- The pre-school children receiving the well-being promotion program of the pre-school children had the mean scores of the hygiene, the knowledge, and the well-being promotion behavior of the pre-school children after the experiment higher than that before the experiment with the statistical significance.
- The mean score of the hygiene, the knowledge, and the well-being promotion behavior of the pre-school children receiving the well-being promotion program of the pre-school children was higher than that of the pre-school children who did not receive the well-being promotion program of the pre-school children with the statistical significance.
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