Relationship between Total Quality Management and Effectiveness of the Schools under Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3


  • Rinnapa Kamrat Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University
  • Pimon Wisedsang Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University
  • Udompun Pitprasert Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University


Total Quality Management, School Effectiveness


The objectives of the research were to study 1) levels of total quality management of the schools under Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, 2) levels of effectiveness of the schools under Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, and 3) relationship between the total quality management and the effectiveness of the schools under Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. The samples use in the research were 152 school administrators and 338 teachers. They were randomized by proportion stratified random sampling.  The research instrument was a five-rating scale questionnaire with the reliability of .96. The statistics used to analyze data were percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient.

The research findings were as follows.

  1. The level of the total quality management of the schools in the overall and in the aspects was at a high level (= 4.36). When the mean scores of the aspects were considered, they could be organized that the mean scores of the teamwork was at the highest level, followed by communication, work performance measurement, leadership, supporting organization structures, giving awards and acceptation, and studying and training, respectively.  
  2. The level of the school effectiveness in the overall and in the aspects was at a high level. When the mean scores of the teachers’ satisfaction was considered, the mean score of the teachers’ performance was at the highest level, followed by the teachers’ ability in adjusting themselves to the environment that affected the teachers inside and outside the schools, the teachers’ ability in producing the students with the high learning achievement, and the teachers’ ability in using innovation and technology, respectively.
  3. The relationship between the total quality management and the school effectiveness was positive and at a high level with the statistical significance at the level of .01.


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How to Cite

Kamrat, R., Wisedsang, P., & Pitprasert, U. (2022). Relationship between Total Quality Management and Effectiveness of the Schools under Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 17(1), 1–15. retrieved from



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