The Teacher Development Model by using Professional Learning Community to Promote Active Learning of Anubanhuaithapthan School


  • Varutchaya Prajum Anubanhuaithapthan School, Sisaket Primary Educational Service Area Office 2


Teacher Development Model, Professional Learning Community, Active Learning


The objectives of this research were 1) to develop the teacher development model by using professional learning community to promote active learning of Anubanhuaithapthan School 2) to evaluate the effectiveness of the teacher development model by using professional learning community to promote active learning of Anubanhuaithapthan School. The samples used in this research were teachers who teach in primary 1-6 about 21 teachers and 318 students that study in primary 1-6, selected by purposive sampling. The instruments of this research were 1) appropriate and possibility model evaluation form 2) teacher test of knowledge and understanding in active learning management 3) unit and lesson plan evaluation form 4) learning management behavior evaluation form 5) student achievement test 6) teacher' satisfaction questionnaire toward the model 7) student’ satisfaction questionnaire toward the teacher active learning management. The Statistics for analyzing the data were mean, standard deviation, and Wilcoxon signed ranks test.

The results showed that:

1. The teacher development model by using professional learning community to promote active learning in Anubanhuaithapthan School called “STAR-2S Model” consisted of 6 components: 1) principle 2) objective 3) development process consisted of 5 steps, 1) Share Vision: S, 2) Team Learning: T, 3) Active Learning Management: A, 4) Reflection: R, and 5) Show & Share: 2S 4) support system 5) condition for success 6) measurement and evaluation. The result of evaluating the model by experts showed that the appropriate was at the highest level and the possibility was at the high level.

2. The effectiveness of teacher development model by using professional learning community to promote active learning of Anubanhuaithapthan School showed that 1) Teacher’ knowledge and understanding in active learning management after used the model was higher than before using the model was statistically significant at the 0.05 level 2) Teacher’ learning management ability overall was at the highest level. 3) Students’ achievement overall was at a very good level. 4) Teacher satisfaction toward the model overall was at the highest level and 5) Student’ satisfaction toward active learning overall was at the high level.


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How to Cite

Prajum, V. . (2021). The Teacher Development Model by using Professional Learning Community to Promote Active Learning of Anubanhuaithapthan School. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 16(3), 27–44. Retrieved from



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