Education for All: People Educational Equality
Education for All, Educational EqualityAbstract
Education for all is a human resource development concept that includes human beings in all of genders, ages, statues, religions, races, and residence to receive educational opportunities without discrimination. The education should be suitable for each human being. It includes knowledge and skills provided to the human being, so the human being can use the knowledge and skills for a living effectively. This is because the education will bring the quality to the human beings and the country. Therefore, the objective of the article on Education for All: People Educational Equality was to propose background and a goal of education for all. The findings of the samples of the education for all in the foreign countries and the situations of the Thai education that the writer analyzed showed that the current Thai situations increased by the percentage of the approach of the population education, but the approach of the population education was hidden by disparities in education like the disparities in education that the writer proposed in the article. When the disparities in education occurred, it caused the government sectors to regulate educational policies that helped reduce the disparities and create the educational equality for Thai people. However, there were not only Thai people in Thailand that needed to access to education but also expatriates such as expatriate labors or stateless and raceless persons needed to access to education. Therefore, the private sectors participated in creating equality and equality in education for the expatriates. Guidelines used to manage education for all should have characteristics as the writer proposed. They were that education should be organized based on human right principles that enabled people in all groups to have equality in societies. The government needed to regulate educational policies for all to create the realization and support all of people in the country to be able to access education. Moreover, the guidelines also suggested that the educational systems should be developed in the provincial levels in all provinces to have the same quality in the whole country. The development of the educational systems also included the development of the curriculum for managing the educational for all that was able to meet various needs of learners and related to the contexts of the development of the country. However, the government sectors had to monitor the performance of people who involved with the development seriously to earn benefits in education for all.
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