Cultural Resource Management Based on the Concepts of the New Public Management


  • เมืองแมน (วัฒนชัย) ศิริญาณ กองพัฒนานักศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุบลราชธานี


Management, Cultural Resources, New Public Management


              New public management is used to reduce the public roles in managing public services by using the modern institutional economics theory, the managerialism theory, and the four main mainstream concepts. The modern institutional economics theory, the managerialism theory, and the four main mainstream concepts are mixed together to form the new public management consisting of the concepts of neo-classic economic, managerialism, participatory state, and administrative laws and rules of laws. Before making decision to operate public policies or implementation guidelines regulated by the government or the organizations to implement the new public management, the management should be reviewed by two methods: process research and the study on the opinions and the argument of the policies. The new public management is based on the international hypothesis of management theories and operation techniques. It can be used in both government and business management. In the government management, cultural resources are managed. The cultural resources are created according to the religion faith and the ways of lives of the racial groups. They are divided into two types: tangible and intangible cultural heritages. The objectives of the cultural resource management that are the cultural heritages consist of the conservation and the protection. The objectives of the cultural resource management that are the creation of the new things consist of the development and the enhancement. The concepts of the cultural resource management based on the new public management involve the education guidelines that are the keys of the cultural resource management and are relevant to the cultural resource management including the study of the research or the creation of the knowledge, the preservation and conservation, and focusing on the rules of laws and public laws to be used for making decision in regulating policies through the process of the community participation.


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How to Cite

ศิริญาณ เ. (วัฒนชัย) . (2021). Cultural Resource Management Based on the Concepts of the New Public Management. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 16(1), 145–156. Retrieved from



Academic Article