Development of a Model Used to Enhance the Innovative Leadership of School Administrators in the Schools Under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office


  • Punyaphat Singchan Faculty of Education Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • Waro Phengsawat Faculty of Education Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University
  • Aphisit Somsrisook Faculty of Education Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University


Development of a Model, Leadership, Innovative leadership


The objectives of this research were to develop and examine the appropriateness of a model used to enhance the innovative leadership of the school administrators in the schools under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office. The research was conducted in 2 phases. The first phase was to study concepts, theories, and research paper synthesis. 5 experts were asked for their opinions to answer a questionnaire. The second phase was to study the opinions of 341 participants: school administrators and teachers in the schools under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office in the academic year 2020 randomized by multi-stage random sampling. The research instrument used to collect data was a five-rating scale questionnaire with the validity between 0.05-1.00, the discrimination between 0.34-0.85, and the reliability of 0.98. The statistics used to analyze data were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. 

       The research findings were found as follows.

  1. The model used to enhance the innovative leadership of the school administrators in the schools under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office consisted of 4 components: 1) factors affecting the enhancement of the innovative leadership of the school administrators, 2) components of the innovative leadership of the school administrators, 3) a process to enhance the innovative leadership of the school administrators, and 4) effectiveness of the innovative leadership of the school administrators.
  2. The model used to enhance the innovative leadership of the school administrators in the schools under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office in the overall and each aspect was at a high level. When each aspect was organized from the smallest to the largest mean scores, the findings showed that the factors affecting the enhancement of the innovative leadership of the school administrators was in the first order, followed by the effectiveness of the innovative leadership of the school administrators and the process to enhance the innovative leadership of the school administrators, respectively.


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How to Cite

Singchan, P., Phengsawat, W. . ., & Somsrisook, A. . . (2021). Development of a Model Used to Enhance the Innovative Leadership of School Administrators in the Schools Under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 16(2), 57–73. Retrieved from



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