Teacher Development of the School Administrators in the Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28


  • Wantana Wongpitak Khukhan School Huai Nuea Subdistrict, Khukhan District, Sisaket Province
  • Udompun Pitprasert Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University
  • Pongsak Tongpanchang Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University
  • Pimon Wisedsang Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University


Teacher Development, School Administrators


The objectives of this research were to study 1) teacher development of the school administrators, 2) the comparison of the teacher development classified by positions, working experiences, and school sizes, and 3) guidelines for the teacher development of the school administrators in the schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28. The samples were 346 participants: 83 school administrators selected by purposive sampling and 263 teachers randomized by proportional stratified random sampling based on the school sizes from the schools under the secondary educational service area office 28. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistics used in the research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test. 
        The research findings were found as follows.

  1. The overall of the teacher development of the school administrators in the schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28 was at a high level.
  2. The teacher development in the schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28 classified by positions, working experiences, and school sizes was found that the samples did not have different opinions for the teacher development classified by positions, but they had different opinions for the teacher development classified by working experience and the school sizes with the statistical significance at the level of .05.
  3. The guidelines for the teacher development of the school administrators in the schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28 were that 1) in the teacher development by training, the guideline for the teacher development was that the teacher development should be promoted in various ways in both regular and online courses, 2) in the teacher development by being mentors, the guidelines for the teacher development were that the performance of the fellow teachers should be promoted to achieve the goals, and the mentors must have real knowledge and ability to perform their work and behave as good models to help and participate in developing, 3) in the teacher development by suggesting, the guideline for the teacher development was that the teachers should be developed by suggesting nicely and motivating in performing their tasks, 4) in the teacher development by supervising, the guideline for the teacher development was that a nice supervisory approach should be provided to the teachers to give the teachers recommendations to promote and develop the teachers, 5) in the teacher development by promoting self-study, the guidelines for the teacher development were that the teachers should develop themselves continuously and all the time and the teacher development should be used to develop the teachers in various ways in searching for knowledge for studying in the future.


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How to Cite

Wongpitak, W. . . ., Pitprasert, U. . ., Tongpanchang, P. . ., & Wisedsang, P. . . (2021). Teacher Development of the School Administrators in the Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 28. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 16(2), 23–33. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Pitchayatat/article/view/247754



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