Guidelines for Developing Tourism Potential by the Residents in the Community Based on the Cultural Identity of the Pa-Ao Bronzeware Handicraft Group, Pa-Ao Subdistrict, Muang District, Ubon Ratchathani Province


  • กาญจนา ชินนาค UbonRatchathani Rajabhat University,Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Department of Community Development
  • สุภัชญา ธานี มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุบลราชธานี
  • นริศรา สารีบุตร มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุบลราชธานี
  • กุลวดี ละม้ายจีน มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุบลราชธานี
  • รัตนภรณ์ แซ่ลี้ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุบลราชธานี


Community Tourism Potential, Cultural Identity, Ban Pa Ao Bronzeware Handicraft Group


This study aimed to develop tourism potential by the residents of the community based on the cultural identity of the Pa-Ao Bronzeware Handicraft Group, Pa-Ao Subdistrict, Muang District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. The research was conducted by mean of the qualitative research. The samples were 150 participants: tourists and 4 groups of people involving in tourism: a group of the representatives from professionals, a group of leaders, a group of the representatives from government sectors, and a group of the representatives from private sectors. They were selected by purposive sampling. The data were collected by an online questionnaire, interview, focus group discussion, and conducting workshops with the residents in the communities by using the cultural identity concepts and theories and design thinking concepts to be the framework of the study. The data were analyzed by using simple and descriptive statistics.

The research findings were found as follows.

According to the survey to evaluate the community-based tourism situations of the Pa-Ao Bronzeware Handicraft Group, the findings showed that the residents in the community of the Pa-Ao Bronzeware Handicraft Group were readiness in tourism resources with the cultural outstanding that was the products of the bronzeware casted by the only remaining ancient method in the country that was inherited for a long time for more than 5 generations and there were folk silk weaving, a local museum (Chalermraja Cultural Center), cultures and traditions, and the way of Issan life. However, this community faced with the problems on the development of tourism because the staffs lacked of understanding in the community tourism concepts, tourism interpreters, unknown tourism routes, and tourism programs and activities lacking of diversity that was attractive. When developing the community-based tourism process through training activities through a group process, the changes occurred as in the following details. There was a Ban Pa-Ao travel guide. The products of the bronzeware were created to be two forms of the souvenirs. There were ten interpreters who could tell about tourism. There were three travel programs: one night, two nights, and three nights, and the participatory tourism activities were developed for ten learning stations. These changes led to develop and strengthen community-based tourism and expand the results in the future.  


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How to Cite

ชินนาค ก., ธานี ส. ., สารีบุตร น. ., ละม้ายจีน ก. ., & แซ่ลี้ ร. . (2021). Guidelines for Developing Tourism Potential by the Residents in the Community Based on the Cultural Identity of the Pa-Ao Bronzeware Handicraft Group, Pa-Ao Subdistrict, Muang District, Ubon Ratchathani Province . Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 16(1), 1–13. Retrieved from



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