Development of a Teaching Model to Enhance Ability to Solve Problems Creatively in Mathematics on the Topic of Trigonometry for the 11th Grade Students


  • ทิพสุคนธ์ บุญมาคาร โรงเรียนพิบูลมังสาหาร องค์การบริหารส่วนจังหวัดอุบลราชธานี


A Teaching Model to Enhances Ability to Solve Problems Creatively


The purposes of this research were 1) to study basic information for developing  a teaching model to enhance ability to solve problems creatively in mathematics on the topic of trigonometry for the 11th grade students, 2) to develop a teaching model to enhance ability to solve problems creatively in mathematics on the topic of trigonometry for the 11th grade students with the criteria of the efficiency of 80/80, 3) to try out the teaching model developed to enhance ability to solve problems creatively in mathematics on the topic of trigonometry for the 11th grade students, and 4) to evaluate the efficiency of the teaching model to enhance ability to solve problems creatively in mathematics on the topic of trigonometry for the 11th grade students. The samples used in this research were 36 students studying in the 11th grade (5/9) at Phibunmangsahan School. They were randomized by cluster sampling. The research instruments consisted of a teaching model in mathematics, learning management plans, an evaluation form for evaluating ability to solve problems creatively, a learning achievement test, an evaluation form for evaluating self-disciplines, an evaluation form for evaluating service mind characteristics, and a questionnaire asking for the students’ opinions towards the use of the teaching model. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, statistics, and content analysis.

                  The research findings were found as follows.

  1. The findings of the study of the basic information showed that the students were interested in learning management by using the mathematics teaching model to enhance ability to solve problems creatively in mathematics on the topic of trigonometry for the 11th grade students.
  2. The findings of the development of the mathematics teaching model to enhance ability to solve problems creatively in mathematics on the topic of trigonometry for the 11th grade students showed that the mathematics teaching model consisted of 7 steps of the teaching and learning processes: 1) creating cognitive conflict, 2) analyzing problems, 3) studying to find information, 4) reflective thinking, 5) stimulating on brain fitness, 6) checking on acceptance, and 7) expanding knowledge.

                  3). The findings of the trial of the mathematics teaching model to enhance ability to solve problems creatively in mathematics on the topic of trigonometry for the 11th grade students showed that the efficiency of the mathematics teaching model was at 82.37/82.78.



  1. The findings of the evaluation of the efficiency of the mathematics teaching model to enhance ability to solve problems creatively in mathematics on the topic of trigonometry for the 11th grade students showed that the students had the scores on the learning achievement test in mathematics on the topic of trigonometry for the 11th grade students after learning was higher than that before learning by using the mathematics teaching model to enhance ability to solve problems creatively in mathematics on the topic of trigonometry for the 11th grade students with the statistical significance, and the students had ability to solve problems creatively after learning higher than that before learning with statistical significance at the level of .01.
  2. The students had self-disciplines after learning higher than that before learning with the statistical significance.



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How to Cite

บุญมาคาร ท. (2021). Development of a Teaching Model to Enhance Ability to Solve Problems Creatively in Mathematics on the Topic of Trigonometry for the 11th Grade Students. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 16(1), 73–87. Retrieved from



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