Motivation Affecting the Performance Efficiency of the Personnel of the Local Administrative Organizations in Rasisalai District, Sisaket Province
Motivation, Performance Efficiency, Local Administrative OrganizationsAbstract
The objectives of the research were to study 1) a motivation level of the personnel’s performance working in the local administrative organizations in Rasisalai district, Sisaket province and 2) the motivation affecting the performance efficiency of the personnel working in the local administrative organizations in Rasisalai district, Sisaket province. The samples used in the research were 276 personnel working in the local administrative organizations in Rasisalai district. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The statistical instruments were descriptive statistics: percentage, mean, and standard deviation and a inferential statistics: multiple regression analysis with enter and a stepwise method.
The research findings were found as follows.
- The motivation affecting the performance efficiency of the personnel working in the local administrative organizations in Rasisalai district, Sisaket province in the overall was at a high level. When each aspect was considered, based on the mean scores, the aspects were organized from the highest to the lowest scores, namely, job accomplishment, performance characteristics, jobs’ statuses, responsibility, relationship among supervisors, controlees, and colleagues, job security, working statuses, policies and administration, dominance and command, welfare, acceptation and respect, advancement, opportunities to receive the advancement in the future, privacy, and salary, respectively.
- The finding of the hypothesis experiment showed that the motivation of the job accomplishment, the performance characteristics, the policies and administration, the relationship among supervisors, controlees, and colleagues, the job security, and working statuses affected the performance efficiency and could be used together to predict the performance efficiency of the personnel working in the local administrative organizations in Rasisalai district, Sisaket province by 63% with the statistical significance at the level of .01.
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