Multinational Patriotism Network: Vietnamese in Thailand
Vietnamese in Thailand, Multinational Networks, Multinational Characteristics, the Awareness of the PatriotismAbstract
This research was a qualitative research. The objective of this study was to study the multinational Vietnamese network in Thailand. The research was conducted by studying the documents and collecting the field data by doing the in-depth interview the Thais born with the Vietnamese descent who were the Vietnamese immigrants and had the histories participating in the Vietnamese national salvation movement. The data were collected by participatory and non-participatory observation methods. The researchers used the concepts of the multinational network and the multinational characteristics to study.
The research findings were found as follows.
The multinational Vietnamese network in Thailand was a relationship network between people and people, people and states, and states and states. The important characteristic of the multinational Vietnamese network was the patriotism emphasizing on the descent. Although the relationship context in the level of the states changed in each generation, the changing relationship context did not affect to the Vietnamese network to disappear. However, the Vietnamese network still maintained with the awareness of the patriotism.
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