Guidelines for Developing the Administration of the School Bank Project Effectively


  • สุนทร ตั๋นสกุล ธนาคารออมสิน สาขามาบอำมฤต อำเภอปะทิว จังหวัดชุมพร 86210
  • อรุณ จุติผล บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาราชภัฏนครศรีธรรมราช
  • สมาน อัศวภูมิ คณะคุรุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏศรีสะเกษ


Guidelines for Developing, the School Bank Project, Effectiveness


         The main objectives of this research were to create guidelines for developing the administration of the school bank project effectively. The research methodology was conducted in 3 procedures: 1) studying data and characteristics of school bank project administration, 2) analyzing and creating guidelines for developing the administration of the school bank project effectively, and 3) evaluating the guidelines for developing the administration of the school bank project effectively. The samples were 390 participants selected by purposive sampling from the school administrators, the bank administrators, the bank officers, the teachers, and the committees of the school bank project in the Southern Andaman Provincial Cluster. The research instrument was an interview form. The statistics were mean and standard deviation.

                The research findings were found as follows.               

          1. The characteristics of the school bank project administration consisted of 5 groups of participants: bank administrators, bank officers, school administrators, consultant teachers, and students who were the school bank committees. The key success factors to achieve school bank project were participatory administration, systematic administration, and integrating the King’s Philosophy on the saving.                    

       2. The findings of the analysis of the guidelines for developing the administration of the school bank project effectively showed that the overall of the guidelines was at a high level. The main guidelines for developing the administration of the school bank project effectively organized from the largest to the smallest mean scores were: 1) factors affecting the success in administrating the school bank project, 2) good administration of the school bank project, 3) having good participation performance, 4) integration of the King’s Philosophy, 5) clear policies to promote the saving, 6) leadership of the school administrators, 7) technologies, and 8) good communication in schools.                 

      3. The findings of the evaluation of the guidelines done by the experts/the specialists could be concluded that the guidelines for developing the administration of the school bank project effectively were appropriate, possible, congruous, and  beneficial. 


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How to Cite

ตั๋นสกุล ส. ., จุติผล อ. ., & อัศวภูมิ ส. (2020). Guidelines for Developing the Administration of the School Bank Project Effectively . Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 15(3), 219–231. Retrieved from



Research articles