Development of Instructional Packages on Flowchart Algorithms Writing for the 8th Grade Students


  • มนัญญา งามวงศ์วาน คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา


Instructional Packages, Flowchart Algorithm Writing


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop instructional packages on flowchart algorithms writing for the 8th grade students, 2) to compare the students’ scores on the pretest and the posttest before and after learning by using the computer instructional packages on flowchart algorithm writing for the  8th grade students, and 3) to study the students’ satisfactions after learning by using the instructional packages on flowchart algorithm writing for the 8th grade students. The samples were 32 students randomized by cluster random sampling from Wat Dondamrongtham School. The research instruments were computer instructional packages on flowchart algorithm writing for the 8th grade students and a satisfaction survey form. The statistics were mean, standard deviation, and the dependent t-test.

The research findings were as follows.

1) The efficiency of the computer instructional packages on flowchart algorithm writing for the 8th grade students (E₁ and E₂) was 81.02/83.28.    

2) The posttest score was higher than the pretest score with the statistical significance at the level of .05.
            3) The satisfaction of the students after learning by using the computer instructional packages was at a high level. 

Keywords: Instructional Packages, Flowchart Algorithm Writing


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How to Cite

งามวงศ์วาน ม. . . (2020). Development of Instructional Packages on Flowchart Algorithms Writing for the 8th Grade Students. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 15(2), 139–148. Retrieved from



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