The Effective Development Model of Well - Being in Working Performance for Teachers in Private Schools


  • สังขสัญญา สังขสัญญา โรงเรียนสังข์ทองวิทยา จังหวัดกระบี่
  • อรุณ จุติผล บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาราชภัฏนครศรีธรรมราช
  • สมาน อัศวภูมิ บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏศรีสะเกษ


Well–Being, Working Performance, Teachers in Private Schools



                The research aimed to create the effective development model of well - being in working performance for teachers in private schools. It consisted of 4 procedures: 1) studying an analysis and determining frameworks of well-being in working performance, 2) studying the well-being of the teachers’ performance, 3) creating a draft of an effective development model of the teachers’ performance in the private schools, and 4) evaluating the effective development model of well-being in working performance of the teachers in the private schools. The samples, selected by purposive sampling, were 220 teachers teaching in the private schools in the Southern Andaman Coast from 55 schools. The research instruments were a questionnaire, an interview form, and an examination form for the fitness. The evaluation of the model was conducted by holding the seminar based on the experts and specialists to investigate appropriateness, possibility, fitness, and usefulness. The statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient.

                The research findings were as follows.             

   1.   The effective concepts of well - being in working performance for the teachers in the private schools from this research consisted of 9 factors: 1) structures and administration, 2) leadership characteristics and administration, 3) policies and communication, 4) the states of the environment in working, 5) school cultures, 6) the development of the quality of the personal, 7) welfare and balance of working, 8) school engagement, and 9) participation between organizations.   2.    The concepts of the effective development model of well-being in working performance were organized according to the highest priority of the opinions, namely, 1) structures and administration, 2) leadership characteristics and administration, 3) policies and communication, 4) the states of the environment in working, 5) school cultures, 6) the development of the quality of the personal, 7) welfare and balance of working, 8) school engagement, and 9) participation between organizations. The researcher designed the model called LAB 2 PEC.

  1. The findings of the evaluation of the model by the experts and the specialists were concluded that the model was appropriate, possible, fit, and useful.

Keywords: Well–Being, Working Performance, Teachers in Private Schools



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How to Cite

สังขสัญญา ส., จุติผล อ. ., & อัศวภูมิ ส. . (2020). The Effective Development Model of Well - Being in Working Performance for Teachers in Private Schools. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 15(2), 57–70. Retrieved from



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