The Buddhist Integration Model for Enhancing Motivation of Administrators in the Schools Under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 42


  • ชาญณรงค์ ยาสุทธิ คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตนครสวรรค์


A Model, Buddhist Integration, Motivation, Administrators



      The objectives of this research were 1) to study conditions of Buddhist integration for enhancing motivation of administrators in the schools under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 42, 2) to create a Buddhist integration model for enhancing motivation of administrators under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 42, and 3) to evaluate the Buddhist integration model for enhancing motivation of administrators in the schools under the Secondary Education Area Office 42. This research was a descriptive research.  The target group consisted of 30 participants in the first procedure with the semi-structured interviews and  content analysis, 12 key informants by using the focus group discussion  with the research instrument: the records of the focus group discussion and content analysis, in the second procedure, and 30 experts for the third procedure with the research instrument: an evaluation form. The statistics were percentage and mean. The research findings were as follow.1. The conditions of the Buddhist integration for enhancing the motivation of the administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 42 consisted of 5 aspects. 1)  The first aspect combined with holidays, compensation, and welfare. They were integrated according to the Sangahavatthu 4. 2) The second aspect was the conditions of the environment enhancing working. They were integrated according to Sappaya 4. 3) The third aspect combined with the characteristics of the organizations. They were integrated according to the Dutiya papanika Sutta. 4) The fourth aspect combined with administrators and guidelines for management. They were integrated according to the Brähmarihara 4. 5) The fifth aspect combined with the job characteristics and responsibilities. They were integrated according to Iddhipada 4.          2. The model of Buddhist integration for enhancing the motivation of the administrators under the  Secondary Educational Service Area Office 42 consisted of 5 models. The first model consisted of holidays, compensation, and welfare according to the Sangahavatthu 4. The second model consisted of the conditions of the environment enhancing working according to Sappaya 4. The third model consisted of, the aspect of agency nature is integrated according to Dutiya papanika Sutta. The fourth aspect consisted of the administrators and the guidelines for management. They were integrated according to the Brähmarihara 4. The fifth aspect consisted of job characteristics and responsibility. They were integrated according to Iddhipada 4.

  1. The Buddhist integration model for enhancing the motivation of the administrators in the schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 42 was appropriate, useful, accurate, and possible to put into practice at the highest level.

 Keywords: A Model, Buddhist Integration, Motivation, Administrators.


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How to Cite

ยาสุทธิ ช. . . (2020). The Buddhist Integration Model for Enhancing Motivation of Administrators in the Schools Under the Secondary Education Service Area Office 42. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 15(2), 33–43. Retrieved from



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