Roles of Local Leaders in Participatory Management for the Elderly School at Ban Khai Muen Phaeo Sub-district Municipality, Muang District, Chaiyaphum Province


  • เกศสุดา โภคานิตย์ คณะรัฐศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏชัยภูมิ
  • กีฬา หนูยศ คณะรัฐศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏชัยภูมิ
  • พระบุญเพ็ง สิทธิวงษา


Roles of the Local Leaders, Management of the Elderly School, Participation



The objectives of this research were to 1) study roles of local leaders in management, 2) study conditions of problems and obstacles in the management, and 3) find guidelines to solve the problems and the obstacles of the local leaders in the management of the Elderly School at Ban Khai Muen Phaeo sub-district municipality, Muang district, Chaiyaphum province by using a qualitative research method. The research instrument was an in-depth interview form. The target group were 15 key informants: a mayor, a deputy mayor, a mayor’s adviser, an elderly school management committee, a staff, 9 community leaders, and an elderly school student. The data were analyzed by using a descriptive analysis method.

The research findings were as follows.

  1. According to the study of the roles of the local leaders in the participatory management for the elderly school at Ban Khai Muen Phaeo sub-district municipality, Muang district, Chaiyaphum province, the findings showed that in the administration, the local leaders had the ideas to develop and lift up the quality of life for the elders by taking care of the elders and providing personnel, materials, facilities, and public assistance expenses, in the planning, the local leaders participated in planning to determine the directions for developing the potential of the elders, in the activity arrangement, the elderly students were required to do activities with the network partners or the government and the private sectors, and in the response to the government policies, the response was managed based on the government policies on the development of the elders’ potential.
  2. According to the study of the conditions of the problems and the obstacles in the management of the elderly school at Ban Khai Muen Phaeo sub-district municipality, Muang district, Chaiyaphum province, the findings revealed that the administration, the planning, and the activity arrangement were related to the budgets. The elderly school at Ban Khai Muen Phaeo sub-district municipality encountered the problems that they did not have enough budgets to manage and according to the municipality’s rules, the municipality was not be able to regulate the budgets for the elderly school. These problems affected materials, equipment, or media used in learning and teaching to be insufficient for using. The insufficient materials, equipment, or media influenced the planning for arranging activities to have the obstacles and the limits. However, the external organizations or the organizations that came to visit the elderly school provided the scholarships to the school.
  3. According to the study of the guidelines to solve the problems and the obstacles of the local leaders in the management of the elderly school at Ban Khai Muen Phaeo sub-district municipality, Muang district, Chaiyaphum province, the findings showed that in the administration according to the regulations of Ban Khai Muen Phaeo sub-district municipality, the municipality cannot regulate the budgets for the elderly school, so the local leaders solved the problem by allowing municipal personnel to assist the school in various duties. In the planning, the elderly school management committee evaluated the potential of the elderly school students before and after attending the school to see how their potentials were. In the activity arrangement, the activities were organized and adapted to suit the elders in order to develop their various skills such as academic and professional skills. There were also the expansion and the development of the products for sale.

    Keywords: Roles of the Local Leaders, Management of the Elderly School, Participation 

Keywords: Roles of the Local Leaders, Management of the Elderly School, Participation 


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How to Cite

โภคานิตย์ เ. ., หนูยศ ก. ., & สิทธิวงษา พ. (2020). Roles of Local Leaders in Participatory Management for the Elderly School at Ban Khai Muen Phaeo Sub-district Municipality, Muang District, Chaiyaphum Province. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 15(2), 1–10. Retrieved from



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