The Development of Team work skills and learning achievement by using Jigsaw learning activities of the Ayutthaya Kingdom for Mattayomsueksa 2 Students
Team Work Skills, Students’ Achievement, Jigsaw TechniqueAbstract
This research aimed to 1) to develop instructional plans for team work skills and learning achievement by using Jigsaw learning activities of the Ayutthaya Kingdom for Matthyomsueksa 2 Students for efficiency 80/80 2) compare the team work skills with jigsaw technique before and after using the instructional plans 3) compare the students’ achievement before and after using the instructional plans 4) study the satisfaction with instructional plans of students. Samples were thirty-one students, who received by Cluster Random Sampling that consisted of Matthyomsueksa 2 students in second semester of the academic year 2019 of Nonkhor school. Research instruments were as follow: 1) 6 instructional plans 2) 40 items of 4 multiple-choice, students’ achievement test which had difficulty indices between .50 - .60, discrimination indices between .30 - .75, and the reliability value was .97. 3) 5 items as rubric observation of student’s team work skills 4) 12 items of student’s satisfaction questionnaires. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation percentage and t-test.
The research findings were as follows: 1) The learning instructional plans contained 6 sets and had the effectiveness value at 86.83/84.84. 2) The students’ team work skills after using the instructional plans was higher than that before using them at the .05 level. 3) The students’ achievement after using the instructional plans was higher than that before using them at the .05 level. 4) Student’s satisfaction with learning instructional plans at the highest level.
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