Teacher Development Program in Learning Management for Schools under the Office of Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area1
The development of TeacherAbstract
The purposes of this research were 1) to study current and desirable conditions, teacher learning management for schools. Under the Office of Primary Educational Area MahaSarakham District 1 , 2) to develop a program to develop teachers in learning management for schools. Under the Office of Primary Educational Area MahaSarakham District 1. The research is divided into 2 phases. Phase 1: study current conditions And desirable conditions for learning management for schools Under the Office of Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area 1. The sample consisted of 324 School administrators and teachers. By comparing the total population with the sample size table of Krejcie and Morgan and using the Stratified Random Sampling Technique. Phase 2: Develop a teacher development program in learning management for schools under the Office of MahaSarakham Primary Educational Service Area 1. The informants were 1 school administrator and 1 academic teacher responsible for 2 schools. Draft of Teacher Development Program in Learning Management and investigated quality guidelines assessing appropriateness and feasibility by 5 qualified people. The research tools were questionnaire, Interview form, group conversation recording And the program evaluation form. Data was analysis consisted of the percentage, mean, standard deviation, Reliability and Techniques Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI modified).
The purposes of this research were 1) to study current and desirable conditions, teacher learning management for schools. Under the Office of Primary Education Area MahaSarakham District 1 , 2) to develop a program to develop teachers in learning management for schools. Under the Office of Primary Education Area MahaSarakham District 1. The research is divided into 2 phases. Phase 1: study current conditions And desirable conditions for learning management for schools Under the Office of Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area 1. The sample consisted of 324 School administrators and teachers. By comparing the total population with the sample size table of Krejcie and Morgan and using the Stratified Random Sampling Technique. Phase 2: Develop a teacher development program in learning management for schools under the Office of MahaSarakham Primary Educational Service Area 1. The informants were 1 school administrator and 1 academic teacher responsible for 2 schools. Draft of Teacher Development Program in Learning Management and investigated quality guidelines assessing appropriateness and feasibility by 5 qualified people. The research tools were questionnaire, Interview form, group conversation recording And the program evaluation form. Data was analysis consisted of the percentage, mean, standard deviation, Reliability and Techniques Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI modified).
The research findings were as follows:
1) The current state of teacher development in learning management in overall is at a high level.
The desirable conditions of teacher development in learning management for schools under the Office of MahaSarakham Primary Educational Service Area 1 were at the highest level.
2) Teacher development program in learning management for schools Under the Office of Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area 1, consisting of 5 components 1) Principle 2) Objective 3) Contents 4) development methods 5) evaluation From evaluating the suitability and the feasibility of the program at a high level
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