Development of a Web-Based Blended Learning Model to Enhance Communication and Collaborative Working for the 21st Century Learning Skills


  • ณัฐวุฒิ ภูมิพันธุ์ วิทยาลัยนาฏศิลปร้อยเอ็ด สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนศิลป์


A Web-Based Blended Learning Model, Communication and Collaborative Working, the 21st Century Learning Skills


The purposes of the research were to 1) develop a Web-Based Blended Learning  model to enhance communication and  collaborative working  for the 21st century learning skills and 2) study the results of the trial of the Web-Based Blended Learning model to enhance  communication and collaborative working for the 21st century learning skills.

              The samples, randomized by cluster random sampling, consisted of 1) 320 students from Bundit Patanasilpa Institute from the representatives of each institute of each part of Thailand and the sample size of each part determined by using a proportional stratified random sampling, 2) 5 experts for joining a group discussion and 5 experts for evaluating and confirming the correctness of the model, 3) 32 students from Bundit Patanasilpa Institute. The statistics used to analyze data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.

              The research findings were as follows. 

  1. The findings of the evaluation of the Web-Based Blended Learning model to

enhance communication and collaborative working for the 21st century learning skills showed that the model was appropriate at the highest level. The components of the Web-Based Blended Learning consisted of 1) principles, 2) objectives, 3) learning and teaching processes, and 4) measurement and evaluation. The procedures for the Web-Based Blended Learning included 1) preparation before learning, 2) activity learning management, and 3) learning summary. The activities for the Web-Based Blended Learning composed of 1) informing learning objectives, 2) studying for contents, 3) planning for learning, 4) searching for information, 5) analyzing and examining, 6) presenting the learning results, and 7) evaluating and publicizing. The measurement and evaluation involved 1) learning achievement and 2) behavior of the communication and the collaborative working.

  1. The findings of the trial of the Web-Based Blended Learning model revealed that the mean score after learning was higher than that before learning with the statistical significance at the level of .05.


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How to Cite

ภูมิพันธุ์ ณ. . (2020). Development of a Web-Based Blended Learning Model to Enhance Communication and Collaborative Working for the 21st Century Learning Skills . Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 15(1), 51–62. Retrieved from



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