A Thai Language Learning Management Model to Enhance Reading Literacy and Communication for the Secondary School Students


  • นาคนนท์ นาคนนท์ สาขาการจัดการนวัตกรรมเพื่อการพัฒนา
  • ปรีชา สามัคคี คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครศรีธรรมราช
  • ไกรเดช ไกรสกุล คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครศรีธรรมราช


Thai Language Learning Management, Reading Literacy and Communication, Skills for Reading Literacy and Communication


The purposes of this research were to 1) study conditions of Thai language learning management to enhance reading literacy and communication for the secondary school students, 2) develop a Thai language learning management model to enhance reading literacy and communication for the secondary school students, and 3) try out the Thai language learning management model to enhance reading literacy and communication for the secondary school students. The samples were 3 teachers receiving awards, 10 teachers having experiences, and 34 students studying in the 9th grade from Thanaratta School,  Chawang District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province randomized by simple random sampling by drawing lots. The statistics were mean, standard deviation, t-test, and Item-Objective Congruence Index (IOC).

            The results were as follows.

            1.The teachers organized rules for the students to work, gave advice to them, trained the students to know how to think and use reasons, and worked by themselves.

2.The results of the development of the learning management model showed that the model consisted of 1) principles and reasons, 2) goals and objectives, 3) contents, 4) learning activities: introduction to lessons, a pretest, and 6 procedures of activity implementation, 5) media/learning resources, and 6) measurement and evaluation. The IOC of the model was at 0.87.

  1. The results of the trial of the model revealed that the mean score of the posttest was higher than that of the pretest with the statistical significance at .05. The students’ skills on reading literacy and communication met the requirement. The results of the evaluation on paying attention on participating in group and individual activities met the requirement and the learning achievement score was 84.55% which met the requirement.


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How to Cite

นาคนนท์ น. ., สามัคคี ป. . ., & ไกรสกุล ไ. . (2020). A Thai Language Learning Management Model to Enhance Reading Literacy and Communication for the Secondary School Students. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 15(1), 1–10. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Pitchayatat/article/view/241470



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