Guidelines for Developing Conflict Management for the School Administrators in the Medium-Sized Schools under Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area Office 7
Development, Conflicts Management, Medium-sized SchoolsAbstract
The purposes of this study were to study guidelines for developing conflict management for the school administrators under Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area Office 7. There were 320 samples: 80 school administrators and 240 teachers from the medium-sized schools. The samples’ size was determined by the random table of Krejcie and Morgan and the interview of the nine experts. The research instruments were a questionnaire and an interview form. The data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, modified priority needs indexes, and content analysis.
The research findings were found as follows.
The guidelines for developing the conflict management for the school administrators consisted of 3 methods.
- The compromise method was that the school administrators tried to understand and considered the conflict problems based on reasonable facts, gave opportunities for conflicting parties to explain reasons and facts, considered finding a solution together with the least impact, and resulted in satisfaction with both sides.
- The collaboration method was that the school administrators gave chances to everyone to express his/her opinions about how to solve problems together with harmony and then jointly voted to choose solutions to resolve the problems as soon as possible.
- The accommodation method was that the school administrators accommodated with other people by taking the goals and the benefits of the organizations into account without creating the conflict among personnel and allowed the teachers to work in order to drive the organizations to reach the best destinations.
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