Comparisons of effects of learning socioscientific issues using the mixed methods based on brain-based learning method and the traditional learning method on argumentation and analytical thinking of Mathayomsuksa 2 students with different self-directed learning
Socioscientific issues, Based on Brain-Based Learning Method, Self-Directed LearningAbstract
This research aimed to compare effects of socioscientific issue learning between the mixed methods based on brain-based learning and the traditional learning method on argumentation and analytical thinking of 60 Mathayomsuksa 2 students with different self-directed learning. The cluster random sampling technique was used to divide students into 2 groups. The first group of 30 students experienced mixed method based on brain-based learning. The second group of 30 students experienced traditional learning method. The research instrument included of 1) the plans, 2) argumentation tests, 3) an analytical thinking abilities test with a difficulty value from 0.56-0.63, a discrimination value from 0.25-0.50 and a reliability value equivalent to 0.94, and 4) a self-directed learning questionnaire test with a discrimination value from 0.32-0.85 and a reliability value equivalent to 0.87. The collected data were analyzed for testing hypotheses using the paired t-test and the F-test (Two-way MANCOVA and ANCOVA).
The research findings found that the students as a whole and as classified according to self-directed learning who experienced the mixed methods based on brain-based learning in socioscientific issues showed developments of argumentation abilities from the 1st test to the 4th test and that the students as a whole gains in analytical thinking abilities in general and in each of 3 subscales from before learning (p.001). And, the students who experienced the mix methods based on brain-based learning in socioscientific issues showed more argumentation abilities and analytical thinking in overall and in 3 subscales than the counterpart students (p.003).
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