The study Achievement and Connection Skill of Linear Equations The SSCS Method Affecting Learning Achievement of Mathayomsuksa III Students.


  • ศุภลักษณ์ ผิวมณี สาขาคณิตศาสตร์ บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครศรีธรรมราช
  • กุสุมา ใจสบาย คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครศรีธรรมราช
  • มนิต พลหลา คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครศรีธรรมราช


The SSCS Method, Achievement Linear, Equations System


The purposes of this research were this research is experimental research using a randomized (one pretest-posttest design group), with the purpose of studying 1) comparison of mathematical achievement in mathematics on systems of linear equations of these students prior to and after the experiment using the SSCS method affecting learning. 2) comparison of mathematical outcomes to managed learning format SSCS system of linear equations of high school students, with an average 75 percent threshold, 3  3) to study the satisfaction of student learning activities that use the SSCS system of linear equations, of students 3.

The subjects of this study were 34 Mathayomsuksa III students in the first  semesters 2017 academic year at Suankularb wittayalai Nakhon SI thammarat school.  They were randomly selected by using cluster random sampling. The experimental group was laugh for 15 periods. The One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design was used for the study. The data were statistically analyzed by using t-test for              One sample

            The findings were as follows.

  1. The mathematical achievement of the experimental group after taught through the SSCS method learning activity was statistically higher than before being laught at the .01 level of significance.
  2. 2. The mathematical connection skill of the experimental group after taught through the SSCS method learning activity was statistically higher than 75 percentage criterion at the .01 level of significance.
  3. In respect to the levels of satisfaction evinced by the students studying quadratic equations by means of applications of SSCS learning management techniques the researcher determined that in an overall picture satisfaction was evinced at a very high level with the mean being 4.41.


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How to Cite

ผิวมณี ศ., ใจสบาย ก., & พลหลา ม. (2019). The study Achievement and Connection Skill of Linear Equations The SSCS Method Affecting Learning Achievement of Mathayomsuksa III Students. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 14(3), 155–161. Retrieved from



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